Paper Balloon artists Alex Kanefsky, Dorie Kinnear-Pinchin and Darren Clark teamed up with Joseph Coelho (CLPE-AWARD winning author: WEREWOLF CLUB RULES) and Artswork to deliver this project with two Folkestone primary schools and the Quarterhouse Theatre.
The project, which saw KS2 pupils writing letters to Lilliputians through messages in bottles, and translating Sea Monsterish, culminated in an installation piece where pupils listened to their Sea Monster songs in an underwater world, finally writing an enormous group letter to a race of giants.
The project was borne out of conversations between Katie and Joseph, who discussed creative and imaginative ways of engaging with young people in Joseph’s home town that acknowledge its seafaring heritage.
The project, which saw KS2 pupils writing letters to Lilliputians through messages in bottles, and translating Sea Monsterish, culminated in an installation piece where pupils listened to their Sea Monster songs in an underwater world, finally writing an enormous group letter to a race of giants.
The project was borne out of conversations between Katie and Joseph, who discussed creative and imaginative ways of engaging with young people in Joseph’s home town that acknowledge its seafaring heritage.